Pizza Day

Transiciones al MIctlán / Transitions to Mictlan
Serie personal de NFT's sobre las transiciones del alma en el Mictlán. Dentro de la residencia artística coordinada por DJ Deliria para NFTianguis en 2022.

Música Líquida
Mi primer exposición personal que se presentó en el Palacio Postal, basada en canciones que me encantan, todo pintado en tinta china y acuarela.
Illustration, Art Direction, Fine Arts

Ya no se que hacer conmigo...
Illustration for Alice in wonderland international exhibition named "Pais Alicia" in the BUAP university in Puebla, México.
Illustration, Fine Arts, Painting

Tatuaje de Linaje
Illustration for the annual exhibition of the Mexican Association of Illustrators(AMDI) with the theme of Illustrated Identities.
Illustration, Character Design, Digital Art

El Recuerdo (Memory)
Personal illustration to honor the memory of those who are gone.
Illustration, Digital Art, Fine Arts

Omaggio, Hysterical minds marzo 2016
Mis piezas para el nuevo Pack del colectivo de artistas Hysterical Minds llamado Omaggio.
Drawing, Illustration, Painting

My personal illustrations for the Pack "ARKHAIA" made by a talented number of fantasy illustrators part of the collective Hysterical Minds.
Visit: www.hystericalminds.com
Digital Art, Illustration, Painting

Tommy the cat, Fletes y Mudanzas!
Illustrations for the collective "Birula Gráfica" in the first grand design event called "Abierto de Diseño Mexicano"
Digital Art, Editorial Design, Illustration

Hysterical Minds 13: They are among us!
My latest works for the fantastic art collective Hysterical Minds, this tim the pack is called "They are among us", feel free to come by at www.hystericalminds.com!
Digital Art, Illustration, Painting

PIeces made for a show in Gurú Gallery in Mexico City!
Crafts, Illustration, Painting

Pieza creada para la exposición en Galería adictos a la ciudad celebrando el primer aniversario de la revista Time Out atraves de la Asociación Mexicana de Ilustradores.
Art Direction, Illustration, Landscape Design

Hysterical Minds: SUBSTANTIA 2
This is the first of a new series of monster portrais on 3d, modeled on Mudbox and then in Photoshop, I have already painted many of the charachters that I have in watercoor, so I'll only pick a few for this new form and eventually posted them here, hope you like it!
Character Design, Digital Art, Illustration

Hysterical Minds: SUBSTANTIA 1
Personal Watercolor!
Fine Arts, Illustration, Painting

Hysterical MInds 9: Twisted Essence
My first Illustration for Hysterical minds!
Digital Art, Fine Arts, Illustration

Hysterical MInds 10: Simphony
Illustration for the 10 pack of the art collective Hysterical MInds, called "Simphony"!
Digital Art, Fine Arts, Illustration

Hysterical Minds 11: Empathy
Illustration for the 11th themed web exposition of Hysterical Minds!
Digital Art, Fine Arts, Illustration

Monsters, demons, ghosts and other bugs.. (watercolors)
These are some personal watercolors, from thoughts and ideas out of the people's faces or attitudes that I see on the street, or somehow always have anoyed me in a repulsive way...

El Guerrero y Ganoko
Illustration based on a picture by the Casasola Archive
Digital Art, Illustration, Retouching